Monday, February 17, 2014


Ok so here's the scoop, I was born because my flagitious uncle, Set, who envied my Dad's (Osiris) power to no end. Out of his blind acquisitiveness to have supremacy and vigor over anything he saw or everything some one else had, he killed my Dad, his brother. He could've stopped there but no, Set being Set he had to take enormous measures, he sliced, chopped, and carved up his body then spread all the pieces throughout Egypt, assuming no one would be able to piece Osiris back together. Boy, did he underestimate my Mom (Isis) and Aunt (his wife, Nepthys).

When news of Set's murderous affair got out my mother could not stop weeping for weeks. She had began to spiral into a depression. I should give all the credit of my life to my Aunt, she couldn't stand seeing my mother in such despair and took it upon herself to help her acquisition/acquire? all the missing parts to my father's body. Not to brag but my mom has some of the most magical and amazing powers that can do unbelievable things! She was able to bring Dad back to life long enough to, ummm well you know the jest, make a baby a.k.a. me, Horus.

As I grew up I was able to form my own thoughts, opinions, and could comprehend more of how I became part of the world. Eventually I reached the conclusion that Set had unethically stolen the throne from my Dad and that it should be mine since I was his living descendant. One day I decided to present my case to the court of gods. Set heard of this and kept me on the run for some time until the gods finally decided that there would be a series of contests and the winner of those could rightfully have the crown and rule of all of Egypt. I would've won every single challenge had Set not cheat. Man, I'm telling you he is such a deluded god it's ridiculous! Mom, finally, took a stand for me and said that Set was not playing by the rules and this string of contests were no fair. In retaliation we set Set (haha get it?) a trap, an invisible trap, I was so proud! He easily fell for the trap and I snared him then left him to die but my mother ruined everything we had just devised, Set begged and begged to no end until she gave mercy to him. So the games continued, just let me tell you how incredibly enraged I became with her, I cut her head off! Ooops! But don't worry she's fine now. The court of gods decided we would have one match and they let Set choose it so he wouldn't cheat. He determined to make it a boat race where the rafts had to be made of rocks. I did get an ingenious idea, I made my boat out of wood and covered it in limestone. Set, letting his natural stupidity kick in, took of the top of a mountain for his. (I held back so much laughter I thought I would explode!) Of course his sank immediately and I won. He could not accept defeat and rose up from the water as a hideous and massive hippopotamus  monster and attacked me! Now don't worry all Set managed to do was injure my left eye and I quickly conquered him but before I could finish him off the god ceased the fight as instantly as it had begun. Since they were still indecisive they wrote a letter to my father, who was now the ruler of the underworld. He replied without a question stating I was the proper emperor of Egypt and that was that. To this day, even though you puny humans think you do, I am the King of Egypt. I would say the moral of the story is to not mess with or make me angered so watch out!!

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